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Rent Subsidies

Supporting your charity or community group with affordable office or space to rent in Milton Keynes

We have a portfolio of commercial properties and spaces available which we rent out to charities and groups in our community.

Our charity tenants can get a rent subsidy, between 25% and 75% off the commercial value of the space.

Meaning the vital funds you raise can go to the people you're helping, rather than funding running costs.

Rent Subsidies have supported many charities across Milton Keynes.

"The Community Foundation office has become our home. This would not have been possible without the rent subsidy – we would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude."

Milton Keynes Melting Pot

Rent Subsidy Policy

You can find more by taking a lot at our Rent Subsidy Policy.

Find out more

All of our spaces available for rent are managed by Hornbeam Property Management and you can contact them for more information on 01908 483643.

You can also out find more in our Rent Subsidy Policy.